A link dump of everything I've been enjoying because the internet has been really good lately. In no particular order, other than working backwards through my watch history and music library adds.

To watch.
Nick re-enacts his job manning the phones at a wildlife management company and oh my god. Kidology creating two of her regular stream viewers that flirt in her livechat, as SIMS. Finally, someone clearly outlined for me the problem with liberals. Maddie's first kiss story is a hellish nightmare that in another universe totally could have happened to me. Every video on AnRel's channel (there are currently four).
Evelyn from the Internets video podcast with her brother Steve is masterful. I haven't belly laughed this hard in ??? Most of the episodes are Patreon only but my god are they worth every penny and then some. This reminds me why I love art.
This Might Not Make Sense video podcast
How the Rich REALLY Cause Climate Change by Our Changing Climate
Online Dating: Are We In Hell? by Wisecrack
Gender is a Scam | The Embodiment of Masculinity by For Harriet
Why reform will NEVER work | Reform or Revolution? by Anark
Understanding the (BIack) Manosphere by F.D Signifier
Why intimate relationships are so hard for men by Kidology
Racial Capitalism and the Case for Abolition talk by Dr Ruth Wilson Gilmore
Hard work is a grift by Thought Slime
The Mensiz are lonely 🥺 but...should we care? by Khadija Mbowe
I was wrong about Landlords by Thought Slime
The Kronk Effect by CJ The X
To listen to.
This extended 2-hour loop of Daring Night 1 & 2 (Beautiful Visions Outtakes) by Van Morrison from 1981. Great for lulling you to sleepytown.
Neighborhood album by Ernest Hood from the 1970s.
Shapeshifter album by Someone & Tessa Rose Jackson
Red Bird Pt. 2 (Morning) by Florist
Smile #2 (feat. Maxo) by Slauson Malone
Good Person album tracks 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 by Ingrid Andress
White Science (feat. Zelooperz) by John FM
Lunar Playboy by Piero Piccioni
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